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    Living Out the Gospel at Home

    | by David Smith

    We’ve all been there before. You get home from the end of a long day and you’re so tired you just want to do something that’s completely mindless. You may be physically, mentally, and emotionally drained, and the last thing you...

      The Ministry of Listening

      Listening | by Steve Muir

      Recently, I came across a Stephen Ministry article on how to listen effectively. In my own life, I’ve learned that when someone really listens to me, I am much more ready to share about myself and the result is that I feel truly cared for as well...

        Take the Joy Dare

        Joy | by Susan Fleming

        Many of our women remember a recent women’s getaway when we soaked in the words of Ann Voskamp and learned more about gratitude and the gifts that Jesus gives each of us...

          Spiritual Gifts Test

          Spiritual Gifts | by Wayne Williams

          The Bible says that every person who believes in Jesus is given by the Holy Spirit certain abilities, motivations, and capacities. These “spiritual gifts” are intended by Jesus to give each of his followers a significant role to play...

            Marriage Maintenance

            Marriage | by Joyce Wachsmuth

            One of the things I love about Greater Portland is that we have a heart for marriages. Marriage, like a car, needs a tune up often so the relationship can be healthy and thriving. It’s important not to wait till a crisis happens because...
