Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19a
Greater Portland Bible Church has a rich history of sending individuals and families from within our community as our representatives to nations and people groups around the world. Our partnerships with them, as well as our partnerships with other agencies and organizations, exist for the purpose of meeting the varied needs of people and making known the transforming story of Jesus. We therefore focus our efforts on people groups and cultures which have only limited engagement with the God of the Bible or with true followers of Jesus.
Perspectives Course
Would you like to learn more about global missions? The Perspectives course is an excellent way to shift your worldview. By participating in Perspectives, every believer can find a way to live with vital, strategic significance in God’s global purpose. The Perspectives course is offered at various times throughout the year - check their website for exact dates and locations. Contact our Global Partnerships Director, Sally Bland, at sbland@pdxchurch.org for information on scholarships available!
Our Global Outreach
Our primary goal is always to point people to Jesus. Here are a few ways our Global Partners have recognized and are responding to substantive physical and spiritual needs throughout the world:
- Rescuing and restoring victims of human trafficking
- Disaster and refugee relief
- Using storytelling in oral cultures to help people discover Biblical spiritual truths
- Trauma counseling for field workers
- Bible translation
- Creating sustainable micro-enterprises among the poorest of the poor
- Literacy and second language development among immigrants
- Clothing outreaches to refugees fleeing conflict zones in the Middle East
- Introducing the people of rural Panama to Jesus through the Jesus Film Project
This is by no means an exhaustive list. The individuals and families involved in these efforts have dedicated themselves to long-term solutions rather than quick fixes, taking up permanent residence in the areas of need. They do it because the love of Jesus compels them to love freely, with a lavishness and recklessness that Jesus exemplified. It is a love that goes beyond borders, prejudice, cultural differences or political and religious ideology.
To the Ends of the Earth
(Since many of our Global Partners are serving in sensitive areas of the world, we cannot disclose their names or specific locations.)
If you would like to learn more and pray about the regions and countries in which our Global Partners serve, click the highlighted areas of the map below to be taken to Prayercast, a website that provides prayer videos and guides for these for nations and geographic areas.
Supporting Our Global Partnerships
Our global partnerships are funded by the generous pledges and contributions of the members and friends of Greater Portland Bible Church. These funds are given in addition to the contributions for the general operation of the church and are budgeted separately from the church budget.
Note: The Global Partner budget has a fiscal year of July 1-June 30 and is based on pledge commitments made prior to June of that fiscal year's start. To make a pledge of financial support on-line, please complete the form below. Please do not send in your pledged amount until after July 1 to be credited to next year's GP budget. Thank you!
To make an online donation now to support our Global Partners click here and choose "Missions/GP Donation" on the drop down menu.
We invite your participation in our global partnerships through your contributions of time, energy, and money.
Please contact Sally Bland at sbland@pdxchurch.org for information about how you can be involved or if you would like to be updated on Global Partner news.