“Two thousand years ago, Jesus walked up to a handful of men and said, 'Follow me.'
Imagine being one of those original disciples. They were ordinary people like you and me. They had jobs, families, hobbies, and social lives. As they went about their business on the day Jesus called them, none of them would have expected his life to change so quickly and completely.
The disciples could not have fully understood what they were getting into when they responded to Jesus’ call. Everything about Jesus – his teaching, compassion, and wisdom; his life, death and resurrection; his power, authority, and calling – would shape every aspect of the rest of their lives. What began as simple obedience to the call of Jesus ended up changing their lives, and ultimately, the world.”
Frances Chan, in Multiply
The Discipleship Network is an intentional, relational, Biblical, transformational, and transferable strategy to develop disciples, disciple-makers, and leaders at Greater Portland Bible Church who want to follow Jesus like his first disciples.
Jesus Christ has called each of us who have come to faith in him to become his disciple, someone who knows and follows His teaching in all of life. He has also called us to pass on His teaching to others who will pass it on to yet others. Some he has called to be leaders to equip and empower the church to make disciples.
The Discipleship Network is made up of multiple groups of three or four people who meet regularly to discuss a biblical curriculum and to grow their relationship with Jesus and with each other. The groups are gender specific and they are organic in that they are typically formed around existing relationships, and in that each group intends to give birth to a next generation of micro-groups.
For more information about the Discipleship Network please contact Pastor Wayne Williams ( wwilliams@pdxchurch.org).