If you’ve been part of GPBC for a while, you probably know we have a Stephen Ministry program. But you may have questions about Stephen Ministry, such as: “Would what I am going through be a good situation for having a Stephen...
If you’ve been part of GPBC for a while, you probably know we have a Stephen Ministry program. But you may have questions about Stephen Ministry, such as: “Would what I am going through be a good situation for having a Stephen...
Take the first step in learning about the many myths and truths regarding senior living options. It is important to be prepared, before the need is upon us, to help our loved ones, neighbors and friends, and even ourselves, navigate the numerous...
This is a free spiritual parenting resource provided by the Executive Pastor of Family Ministries, Dr. Michelle Anthony with New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Their mission is to inspire, equip and support families with their spiritual growth.
If you’ve been part of GPBC for a while, you probably know we have a Stephen Ministry program. But you may have questions about Stephen Ministry, such as: “Would what I am going through be a good situation for having a Stephen...
Our stated purpose at GPBC is to Help People Follow Jesus Together. An integral component of doing this is to first introduce people to the person of Jesus Christ. We find ourselves in challenging times and living in a culture that seems...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote: “The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists in listening to them. Just as love to God begins with listening to His word, so the beginning of love for the brethren is learning to listen...