The Whole 30
We are just about through January. Time passes so quickly – it seems like just yesterday we were putting up the Christmas tree! But, I have to admit, time seems to be dragging when it comes to this Whole 30 food diet I started at the beginning of January. I only have 14 more days before the 30 days is up and then I can start to add certain foods back into my diet. The past 16 days have seemed to drag on whenever meal time comes around. You see, in the whole 30 diet you can only eat fruits, vegetables and meat. There are a few other things but fruit, vegetables, and meat is the gist of it. You can have as much as you want, there is a caution to over doing it on fatty meats and sugary fruits, but let me tell you I don’t know how you can eat enough!
I originally went on this food plan to help cut my addiction to sugar and to do a reset on my body. 30 days is not going to fix 25 years of bad eating habits, but it’s at least a step in the right direction. However, I have been rather surprised at the side effects of this plan. First, I really didn’t realize how addicted I was to sugar. Just a few days in I was craving sugar. I could smell everything with sugar in it. I could spot an Oreo from a mile away, well maybe not a mile, but I could sense when one was around. This lead me to realize just how addicted I was to sugar and because of it I started realizing more and more how much I need God to get me through the day and to help break this addiction. Temptation to consume sugar is all around and I could consume a little and nobody would know. I could just sneak over to the student center where we have a 20lb bag of candy and eat just a piece or two. Nobody would know except me and God. But that’s the thing, God would know.
I don’t think having a candy bar here and there is a sin. But, how often do we do this with sin? Most, if not all, of our sins are hidden. Or at least we think they are. But God…He is always right there…He is walking with us. He knows what a struggle it has been for me to give up sugar. He has walked with me and He has been there for me to talk to when the craving is strong. But He would also be there if I decided to turn my back on all of this and He would be there to pick me up again and help me to start over. If I have gotten anything out of this plan it’s how truly amazing our Holy Father is. He is there pointing out where the struggles are and He is there to help you through your struggles. He is there to hear about the struggle. He is there when temptation is staring you down. He is there when we fall into temptation, and He is there to lift us back up. He is there through it all and we have the choice to rely on him through it or to rely on ourselves.