The Book of John
The book of John was the first book that I studied as a seeker and new believer. I can remember being so excited to read the story of Jesus at his birth. I told my husband, “The story of Christmas is in the Bible!” This was in 1970. Burl and Bernita Shoemake, a pastor and his wife came to our home every week to study the Bible with us. Prior to them coming, my husband Doug and I went forward at a movie theater in Newport, Oregon. The movie was sponsored by Billy Graham and an invitation was given after the movie. Burl met us in the back of the theater. I was moved by the message and began to cry so Burl spoke to Doug and asked him, “If you knew there was a God, would you want to do what that God told you to do?” Doug responded and said “I would be a fool if I didn’t.” I had a lot of questions and I wasn’t sure if the Bible was true but Burl was very gentle with me. He asked us to read the book of John and to write our questions in the margins. He brought over one of those movie reels and he showed us the books of the Bible. Do any of you remember how it was slow and had to be done manually? No sound or music and Burl had to read it! After about a year and a half Doug and I accepted Christ and were baptized in August 1970.
For the past two weeks I have been reading and journaling the book of John and, as always, the word of God continues to convict, teach, and encourage my heart to stay close to Jesus. Last week John 5:39-40 really spoke to me. This was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees in this passage, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” Yes, I study the Scriptures diligently but do I go to Jesus for life? He is life and my only source for life! He desires to give me his abundant life and it is always an invitation as he says to come!
Some of you have heard our story and the reason why I wanted to write about it in my blog, was because Burl and Bernita Shoemake went to be with Jesus two weeks ago. They were both living in Turner, Oregon at the Christian Assisted Living Center. They were in their 90’s and they went to be with Jesus only eight hours apart. Their memorial service will be in October and I am looking forward to their celebration of life. They have been our examples on how to live and how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others. They finished well!