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Getting Energized!

Posted by Joyce Wachsmuth on

As I thought about what to write for the blog this week, I asked myself the question, “What has energized me recently on what God is doing in our own church?” Once I started, I couldn’t stop writing. Let me share!  

Sunday mornings at 9:15am at Greater Portland is a happening place! If you have not been a part of the adult classes come and join us!

Dick Middlebrooks continues to teach the book of Hebrews and there are consistently over 40 people in his class. Don Westerberg is teaching through a book, Onward. Last Sunday someone shared that the class was so inspiring and it really prepared her for the message that Pastor Wayne shared in the service.

Tim Jorgens continues to teach our Chinese friends in the Christianity 101 class. He is doing a great job of explaining what the Bible is all about. Tim also often shares with them a song that will be sung in the service and explains the meaning of the words. Come and take a peek!

For the past five weeks, Heidi Sellick has been teaching a class called Redefining Singleness in the Church. At the beginning of each class she does some teaching and then gives time for discussion. She has challenged my thinking in several different ways. She has had a widower share, a panel of divorced singles, and this Sunday she will have a single parent share. Her desire for teaching this class is for our church to evaluate and assess how our church ministers to singles. I really believe to be a healthy church we need to minister to marrieds and singles!

Also during this 9:15 hour, David Smith, our worship pastor meets with the worship team for a time of fellowship, encouragement, and the study of God’s Word.

Beginning April 23 at 9:15am, a new ongoing gathering will start called Life With Kids. The facilitators of this class will be Ian and Jessica Heimbegner, parents of four kids ranging in age from 6 to 14. This gathering is for parents of kids spanning from baby to teen and the goal is connect, laugh and learn together. Each week will be a little different. Parents, be sure to come and join in!
At this time there are over 70 people attending the Aging Well and Planning for the Future seminars here at the church tomorrow (Saturday, April 8) from 9am -12pm. It is so exciting to see our people eager to learn and grow in the different aspects of life. It’s not too late to attend; the cost at the door is just $6.00 per person. You can check it out on our website.

Once a month, Doug and I have the privilege of serving in the food pantry. I so appreciate Janice Fry’s oversight to this ministry. To be able to bless our community by providing fresh food is so rewarding. I met one person recently who has come to the food pantry and is now attending our church! Last, but not the least, I am being energized by. Our group meets every other week on Wednesdays. We have been watching the series on the Testing of Our Faith by Bruce Wilkinson from Walk Through The Bible. Our entire group has been learning so much from his teaching on Faith. You can check out this series on RightNow Media.

I apologize for the long blog but it really was hard to stop writing about all that God is doing in our church!


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