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Family Impact

Posted by Ken Hesson on

First, I give thanks and glory to our Lord that makes everything possible through his loving grace and thanks to GPBC for the privilege of contributing again to this blog.

This time around I would like to share about what GPBC and the Lord have taught me in my Christian faith. I think what is at the center of GPBC is a strong Christian family. The first day I attended Sunday service at GPBC, I felt a familiar feeling of warmth, laughter, and love--much like a family. Like a family, GPBC has helped me deal with the various ups and downs of life through the past few years by gaining understanding of both life’s adversities and achievements and eventually finding acceptance and humility. This is what I think is GPBC’s real strength. For me, the church and the community have been like a keystone--providing me with clarity and guidance through the storms and tranquility of life’s seas. 

And when I think of what I have learned from the Lord, this also seems to be one of the important points. I see it not only in church but also here in Portland. I’ve lived in Portland for about twelve years now, and I have come to make good friends with people from various backgrounds and beliefs, with some similarities and some differences to my own. But one thing I have found common among us is the idea and appreciation for an understanding and loving family. It reminds me of the verse, “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 23:40), which, I know, is usually interpreted as helping the homeless, but I think it also means having a spirit which is charitable. Not just charity of money, but charity of heart, mind, or time, or being forgiving, following in the way of Jesus. No small task indeed, but one we are called to do. And if I’m honest with myself, this kind of family that Jesus is speaking of is one I never had, but one that I cherish and am so thankful to the Lord for in GPBC.

To finish up, allow me to share an observation about the life of Jesus. One of the things he lived and taught was giving kindness and love. In fact, I think it was something he thought was very important. And, you know, things like being rich, what kind of car you drive, or the number of followers on your social media page would probably be less important to him. So, if we try to live a life believing the things that Jesus thought were important, we would live a very meaningful life--one with spiritual, eternal rewards. I know it’s not easy, but I have seen the impact this kind of living has on oneself. And what’s cool is how it affects other people. In these times we live in, when people see someone that believes the things Jesus thought were important, and lives them, it helps everyone. Because it is the fruit of the Spirit…in all of us.

God bless you all.


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