
Thank you for considering a contribution to Greater Portland Bible Church in partnership to help people follow Jesus together! We believe that God is the good provider of all that we have and that when we give to his local church, we are returning to Him just a token of our appreciation and acknowledging our dependence on Him. Through the local church He makes his radical hospitality, unconditional regard, and sacrificial generosity known as He brings His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. 

ACCESS YOUR GPBC SUBSPLASH GIVING ACCOUNT (Instructions for accessing and editing information in your giving account can be found here: 

Please be assured that your financial information will remain private and secure and that the funds you give will be used with responsibility and accountability in support of the ministries of this church.

If your contribution is specifically in support of our Global Partners, please indicate that on the memo line of your check or by choosing "Missions/GP Donation" for an electronic contribution.

There are several ways to make your contribution:

  • By check or cash in the offering baskets during our Sunday morning worship gathering. Please indicate in the memo line or elsewhere if the gift is for general tithe, global partners, or another fund.
  • In person or by mail to the church office
  • Online through a secure giving platform by using the form above or clicking the link below. The giving platform allows you to create an account where you can manage all of your online giving, as well as schedule recurring donations. Through your account you can access your online giving history. However, if you would like to make a one-time gift, you may do so without creating an account.
  • Stock, property or other non-cash contributions may be arranged through the church finance office, 503-452-9375

We welcome any questions you may have! Please email us or call the finance office at 503-452-9375.

Click here to give online