Adult Class: Connection Point (Philippians)
Sunday, November 23, 2025, 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Deschutes Room
Sundays, 9:15am. Led by Don Westerberg
Having just completed our first quarter study on C.S. Lewis’ The Problem of Pain and our global partnership emphasis, it seemed appropriate to follow up with a study of one of the most upbeat books of the New Testament – Philippians. This book was authored by the Apostle Paul, who was no stranger to pain and who was the original “global partner”. In fact, he writes this book from a prison cell in Rome to a church he had partnered with for years. Though one might assume he would be wallowing in self-pity, the atmosphere of the book is one of joy. He rejoices in the fact that he serves a God who finishes what He starts and serves a church who cares for his needs and shares in his endeavors. Come be encouraged by a book that seeks to offer peace and contentment in the midst of difficult circumstances.