Care Network

As a community, we have and continue to receive endless love, mercy and healing from God. Caring for one another then, particularly when there is hurt or loss, is our natural response to God caring for us and therefore is part of our DNA here at GPBC.


The act of caring is not limited to a few leaders or pastors within our church.  We all have been equipped by God to be involved in each other’s lives and respond in compassion and selflessness.  Small groups care for small group members.  Ministry teams look out for the individuals serving with them. We all keep our eyes and hearts open to see and respond to the needs of the people around us.

To help us coordinate and meet needs better, we have developed what we call the Care Network, to facilitate communication between ministries and groups within GPBC.  The purpose of the network is to enable the church family to more effectively come alongside people experiencing times of need.

I could use help right now.
Please contact us so we can support you. Emai, or call the church office at 503.452.9375.

Our Care Network also includes these specific and concentrated forms of caring:

Stephen Ministry

We all experience challenges in life—times when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian friend. Stephen Ministers are ready to provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty, such as: loss of a loved one; hospitalization; divorce or separation; spiritual crisis; unemployment or a job crisis; a terminal illness; incarceration; aging; birth, adoption, miscarriage, or infertility; a chronic illness; relocation; recovery after an accident or disaster; and many more.

Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry: The identity of those receiving care and what takes place in each caring relationship remains private.  To request or recommend someone to be paired with a Stephen Minister email, or call the church office at 503.452.9375.

For more information about Stephen Ministry, both what the ministry is about or how you can be involved, click here.

Short Term Care

Life happens and when it does, sometimes we just need a little extra help to get through the week. Maybe its a happy need like a new baby or maybe its a small crisis, but either way practical care is available to lend a hand with meals, transportation, housecleaning, grocery shopping, or whatever the need may be.

Volunteers coordinate the practical help of providing meals through the church family, when a need arises. To sign up to be informed when there is a need, email us at We use the site to coordinate needs and those willing to step in with meal assistance.

Care Visitation

When a community member is hospitalized or otherwise has a definitive and negative life event occur, we make every effort to extend a personal visit to the individual. This is often a pastor or elder but also includes others in the Care Network. People want to know someone is there when going through the worst moments in life.


We believe it to be an honor that God allows us to stand alongside and support those who have lost someone they love. While Stephen Ministers are trained to walk alongside individuals during the longer-term grief process, we also serve the family of the deceased by helping coordinate, plan and implement appropriate remembrances.

Marriage Mentoring

We want to see marriages be healthy and thrive. Marriage mentoring provides support for couples who are seriously dating or engaged, marriages that need renewal, and marriages experiencing difficult challenges. Click here for more information about this ministry.

Resource Directory

We can help connect you with agencies within our city that can assist you with other needs such as counseling, parenting, addiction services, housing, personal finances, employment, support groups and more. We know that the web of government and non-profit assistance agencies can be confusing and frustrating to sort through and work with. If you need someone to help you navigate this system, email You can also click below for a page of resources that have our stamp of approval.

Resource Directory

Alcoholics Anonymous

To find group meetings at both Greater Portland Bible Church and throughout the city, visit the Portland Area Intergroup for AA at their website at

I could use help right now.

Please contact us so we can support you. Email, or call the church office at 503.452.9375.

I’d like to be included in the Care Network so I can help when needed.

Thank you! We’d love to serve with you. Email, or call the church office at 503.452.9375 and let us know.

Susan Fleming, Care Network Director