Advent Conspiracy

Within God's story of Christmas, there is an awe-inducing, soul-satisfying mystery of the incarnation. All too often, however, our manner of celebrating the season robs us of the very things that Christ's coming brought: hope, joy, peace and love. Advent Conspiracy is about the church reorienting itself be able to tell this history-changing story to the world through its celebration. We do it as we worship fully, spend less, give more and love all. We do it by demonstrating how the arrival of a small child over 2000 years ago is truly good news to all.

Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be--a joyous celebration of Jesus' birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us.

Advent Season Resources

Worship Fully Through Advent

Below are some recommended resources we hope you'll check out during the advent season to learn the freedom of worshiping with abandon, giving without comparison, receiving with gratitude and loving without limits. There are resources that can be used by individuals, families or even small groups. May you find the gift of God's presence this Advent Season.

Inviting Peace (2021 Greater Portland Bible Church Advent Devotional)

How do we invite the God of Peace into every moment of the Advent season? Do we feel him near as we decorate our homes for Christmas? Do we sense his presence when we shop for gifts? Do we hear the Spirit guiding us as we bake, and craft, and celebrate this season? Sometimes in the hustle and bustle we lose sight of He Who Brings Peace. This book of prayers, written by members of the Greater Portland family, are designed to bring Christ into every moment of this holiday season, inviting him to be present, to lead, to provide, and to be glorified in all we do. 

Also available in audio form to be listened to here.

The Longing (2020 Greater Portland Bible Church Advent Devotional)

This Advent devotional, written by members of the Greater Portland family, encourage us to sit with our longings for hope, joy, peace and love in our lives; to become familiar with how our hearts and souls yearn for and demand these things, to mourn the places we don't see them, and to discover how Emmanuel, God With Us, has come to bring those very things into our lives.

Family Advent Tree Devotions

Families with young children will love this advent resource! Countdown to Christmas with special ornaments you can collect from around the house or make as a craft. As you countdown, follow the kids-friendly devotions that include a scripture reading, a short lesson to go with each reading, a prayer idea, and a ornament symbol for each day. 

Prepare Your Heart to Worship Fully: Daily Advent Devotionals

Devotionals written by Advent Conspiracy pastors and church leaders from around the world. Our prayer is that these scriptures will help you find time to worship fully this Advent. Daily Bible readings accompany each devotional. 

Advent Conspiracy: Making Christmas Meaningful (Again)

This book gives individuals, families, and churches practical help in planning the kind of Christmas that truly can change the world. Revised and updated with new stories of the impact this movement has made around the globe.

Good News of Great Joy: Daily Readings for Advent

This resource from John Piper contains 25 short devotional readings beginning December 1 and going through Christmas Day. This book of Advent meditations aims to put Jesus at the center of your holiday season. 

Christmas Eve Giving

December 24 we come together under the glow of candlelight and the familiarity of the carols to remember and celebrate a Savior born to us, Emmanuel, God With Us.

We receive an offering that day that reflects our heart to devote less to the materialism of the season and instead invest in hope, love and peace. Our 2024 Advent Conspiracy projects will be chosen soon. Check back here when advent begins to see who we'll be giving to this year. Will you join the conspiracy?

Give Online

Advent Conspiracy Giving Recipients 2024

LOCAL>Portland, Oregon

Kids Coat Closet
Stephens Creek Crossing Apartments

Join us in spreading warmth this winter to our neighbors at Stephens Creek Crossing (SCC). At SCC, families in need— including those facing economic challenges, seniors, and individuals with disabilities— are supported by a caring community. For years, GPBC has had the privilege of partnering with SCC to bring hope and help to these families through Easter events, our benevolence fund, and tutoring kids at Homework Club. These moments of connection have built trust and opened doors for us to share the life-changing message of the gospel.

This year, we’re taking our partnership to the next level through Advent Conspiracy, and we need your help to make it a success! With over 200 kids living at SCC, many families are struggling financially and simply can't afford the basic warmth of a winter coat. The Stephens Creek Crossing Coat Closet is empty; Let’s be a blessing and fill it! Our goal is to provide 40 brand-new coats for kids in need. Each coat costs just $75, and with your help, we can fill the closet to keep these kids warm all winter long. Together, we can ensure these families feel cared for and loved, while spreading warmth, both physically and spiritually.

Let’s share the light of Christ and His love, bringing warmth to our neighbors this winter season!

REGIONAL>North Carolina

Hurricane Helene Relief Work
Baptists on Mission

On September 26, Hurricane Helene made landfall and ravaged its way across the US from Florida to Tennessee. The Western Appalachia region of North Carolina was particularly devastated by massive flooding and mudslides that wiped out entire towns and washed away or flooded countless roads, buildings, and homes. 119 people lost their lives.

In response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene, Baptists on Mission has launched an Essential Rapid Repair (ERR) initiative aimed at helping over 1,000 families return to their homes. Volunteers have provided more than 400,000 hot meals and completed over 2,500 recovery jobs on homes. The organization continues to seek volunteers to assist with tasks such as tarping roofs, mudding, and tearing out homes to make them safe, sanitary, and functional before winter. We want to help!

  • $50 provides approximately 25 hot meals.
  • $100 supports roof repairs for one home.
  • $500 contributes to the renovation of one home, making it livable again.

Importantly, 100% of the money donated goes directly to relief efforts, ensuring your contributions make a significant impact on those in need.

Will you come alongside these North Carolina citizens whose world has been turned upside down due to natural disaster?


Hope Center Retreat Furnishings
Global Partners: Zoilo and Betty Anat

Zoilo, the SE Asia Director for AWANA, plays a key role in overseeing AWANA clubs in seven of the eleven SE Asian countries. In addition to AWANAs, Zoilo and his family serve at the Hope Center, a community development center in the province of Bulacan which is reaching the community with the gospel of Jesus. Over the past few years, they’ve been building a new facility to accommodate the growing number of children, youth, and adults seeking discipleship programs. Last summer, a team from GPBC had the privilege of serving alongside Zoilo and his team at the Hope Center. While the new building was still under construction, our team was able to run a VBS for kids and a conference called “Rooted In Christ”, focused on connecting youth with Jesus through spiritual practices. Although the building wasn’t fully completed, we saw firsthand how this space will be a tremendous blessing, allowing for even greater ministry impact in the community.

We are excited to share that the new building is almost finished, and we want to thank you for your prior support in making this possible!

Now, the Hope Center needs our help to furnish the space so they can begin hosting discipleship retreats for the church and youth. They’re looking to provide 30 beds (at $80 each) and a sound system ($2500).

Will you join us in this exciting opportunity to partner with the Hope Center? Together, we can help create a space where more people in the Philippines can draw closer to Jesus.


Kulumi Bible Devices for the Punan People
Map Global

God’s heart is for every nation to know and worship Him, and we have a special opportunity to be part of His mission. JH*, the son of our Children’s Director, is currently serving with Map Global to reach the Punan people, an unreached group living in the rainforests of Indonesia. The Punan live a simple life without running water or electricity, and their language is entirely oral—most Punan do not know how to read or write, which has given local Bible translators a challenge; How do we give a newly translated written Bible to an oral people group?

Rayki*, a young Punan woman, has been working alongside JH as part of the translation team, helping to audio record the book of Luke. Together, they have a vision to bring the Word of God to the Punan people through Kulumi devices—solar-powered lights and listening devices. These devices can hold the entire Bible, and as the translation progresses, more scripture will be added. They are waterproof, solar-powered, and provide a much-needed source of light—both literally and spiritually.

The Kulumi devices will not only provide light to keep the Punan people safe at night, but they will also offer them the chance to hear the Good News for the first time, bringing the Greater Light into their hearts and souls. Each device costs just $20. Will you join us in this impactful mission as we aim to provide 100 devices to share the hope of the gospel with the Punan people?

Together, help us bring light—both physical and spiritual—to those who have never heard the Good News!

*Names are withheld for the protection of those serving in Indonesia.

**Make donations out to GPBC and designate “Advent Conspiracy” in the memo line. (Gifts may not be directed to specific projects.) Gifts may be submitted prior to the Christmas Eve offering or through mid-January. Gifts may also be made online or via our church's app anytime. Just choose "Advent Conspiracy Donation" on the drop-down menu.