Adult Education

Connect, Learn, Grow

Sunday Adult Classes 

Adult classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:15am. Their purpose is to exalt Jesus and to keep Him at the center of our lives. Our desire is to equip and encourage people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. It is also an opportunity for people to connect in a smaller setting beyond the large church gathering.

We have ongoing classes that meet throughout the year as well as four to six-week elective classes to help people know Him better, understand and apply the Word to everyday living and to learn life skills for living in the family of Jesus as well as in our homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and community. 

No registration is necessary for our Sunday classes unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to simply show up any Sunday and give them a try. We certainly hope you do!

For more information, please contact  Wayne.

Not Beyond Reach: How to Share Jesus with the Young, the Deconstructed, and the Non-Religious

Hosted by Connection Point Class
Facilitated by Don Westerberg
Deschutes Room; 9:15am Sundays

We will be starting our study of Not Beyond Reach:  How to Share Jesus with the Young, the Deconstructed, and the Non-Religious by Aaron Pierce. This series is based on the book by the same name but you don't need to read the book to get the benefit of the content. The videos can stand alone.

We all probably know people who fit into these categories. Some of them are family members, friends, and neighbors. Aaron Pierce does a great job of helping us understand the current cultural climate in which we find ourselves called to reach out on Christ's behalf and for their benefit.

Be sure to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am in the Deschutes Room.

The Psalms

Hosted by the Come and See Class
Facilitated by Dick Middlebrooks
Columbia Room; 9:15am Sundays

The Psalms consist of 150 individual psalms, many of them are 3,000 years old. They are the ancient prayer book and song book for the ancient Jews. The church from the very beginning adopted the very same practices.

The Psalms have inspired deep worship of Yahweh, soothed and comforted broken and downcast hearts, given hope and a future for the oppressed. Meant to be sung, there is no original music to sing the psalms by, but the psalms are so versatile, that any age, any culture can use their own music in singing and can experience the same experience that King David did 3,000 years ago.

Join us to learn how to read and pray through the psalms. Experience thankfulness and worship, even while exploring your own lament or sorrow. Learn more of the faithfulness of our God, and so grow in your faith as you enter into God’s presence and experience His joy, comfort, and power.

GP Connect

Are you new to the church or haven't yet connected to a small group? Then this class is tailor-made for you!

Check back to see when the next class is scheduled to start!

Want to get connected beyond Sunday morning?