What should I wear?
We want you to come just as you are. You will find that we are a very casual church. You will see anything from jeans and t-shirts to the occasional tie. Ultimately, we just want you to be comfortable and feel like this is a place where you can be yourself.
What type of music do you use in your worship gathering?
Great question! We use a variety of musical expressions in our gatherings because we believe that our God is a creative God, full of variety and beauty. We also know that everyone connects with God in different ways. Therefore, our music varies from simple to complex. From joyous to contemplative. From hymns to rock. The common denominator is that they all point us to Jesus. We hope that at some point during our worship gathering one or more of the songs or other worship elements will allow you to encounter Him. To look through many of the songs in our song database check out our YouTube Worship Playlist.
Will I have to give any money?
Absolutely not. We do offer a time, as part of each worship gathering, for our regular folks to have the chance to give part of their paychecks back to God. We don’t expect guests to participate unless you really feel like it. We believe that giving should be decided within the heart of each person and never given with reluctance or out of compulsion.
Will I be singled out or be made to sign anything if I visit?
We won’t single you out because you are new. How awful would that be?! No, you can choose to be as anonymous or visible as you want. However, if you want to make absolutely sure we know who you are and how to contact you, fill out the connect card in our app or come find a staff person or two in the back left corner of the auditorium after service. There is always one of them hanging around hoping to meet awesome people like yourself. Also, if you would like us to pray for you, staff and elders would be honored to do so in person or during the week. Let us know how we can pray for you through the prayer request form on our app or by emailing prayer@pdxchurch.org. And thanks! We know asking for prayer is a vulnerable thing to do.
Do you take communion?
Yes, we do. We believe that Jesus taught us to reflect, using the ritual elements of bread and wine (juice), on his life and death. We believe that it is a sign of the new covenant or promise between God and humanity for the forgiveness of sins and new life. Communion is available every Sunday at stations at the front of the auditorium. The community of faith is invited to participate in communion following the sermon.
What are the messages like?
Currently, a team of pastors
Is GPBC affiliated with a specific denomination?
The short answer is “no, we’re not.” Greater Portland Bible Church is comprised of individuals of
What’s available for my kids?
Our kids spend Sunday morning connecting to God by listening to stories from the Big God Story, singing songs,
How many people attend GPBC?
On a typical Sunday, you will see around 200 in our morning worship gathering. Along with our kids and youth, there are about 300-400 people who identify GPBC as their home community.
How can I get connected beyond Sunday morning?
We understand how hard it can be to get connected and feel known. We want to help you in every way we can so that’s not your experience. We find that the best way to get connected is to join a small group where you can get to know a few individuals well — “life to life, face to face.” If you are ready to jump into a small group, click here to be taken to the small group’s page where you can sign up.
I want to know more about God and spiritual things but am not sure that church is the answer for me. Is there anywhere else I can ask questions?
There absolutely is! Alpha is the perfect place to ask questions and